Excalibur RetrievalWare is well known as an advanced search system for indexing and retrieving information from a wide range of distributed resources over large enterprise intranets and public Internet portals. Now there's a standalone solution that provides all the same advantages of both without the need for Internet or network access: Excalibur RetrievalWare® CDExpress.

RetrievalWare CDExpress supplies all the necessary components for building customized, portable RetrievalWare CD-ROM applications – without the programming hassles. Each RetrievalWare CD-ROM application is self-contained and includes RetrievalWare's search engine, query interface, and data and index libraries. Users can load the CDs onto any Windows NT, 95, or 98 machine and query their document libraries without installation procedures or network connection. The query application has the same look and feel as the RetrievalWare Document Explorer and supports concept, pattern, and Boolean searches as well as fielded and recurrent queries.

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